Thursday, May 26, 2011

My stand on having a baby.

I find it stupid for others to think that having a baby is something that I should be envy of. i mean..c'mon! im still 26 years old, for me its still young and i still have a lot of things to work on and dreams to fulfill. Having a baby is a great responsibility and it should be planned. I have nothing against those who have baby at an early age ( and most of them are unplanned and unwanted!). Its a blessing not a curse. Asfor me, I plan to settle down IIF AND ONLY if i already have my own house and lot and my own business. I should be able to travel the world first and enjoy life. I am happy with Jes and i intend to stay with him forever and he will be the father of my own kid but as of now, we have our own set of plans. we should be financially stable. I know he understands me and my choice. He is always there to support my decisions. So if you think I'm jealous.. hehehehe :) sorry i aint jealous for that! i dont have plan to have a baby and carry great responsibility as of this time. I have my own set of GOOD brains. I always consider the life i could give to my child. the clothes, education, shelter,food..and most of all the luxury i could give to him/her. I dont wanna to ask money from someone nor depend to my parents or to the GRANDPARENTS of the child for my kid's basic needs. I want to be the best mom ever! I want to feed my child with my hard earned money. Those who are thinking that I envy them for having a baby... try to think as to what kind of life you can give to your kid.

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